What if...

What if your life was exactly the way God designed it to be?  I assume it would look very different from what it is today, wouldn’t it?  Wouldn’t it be a great life?  An amazing life?  Surely a good, omnipotent God would design a great and amazing life for those he created to be his own image-bearers. Do you believe that? I do. The Bible says that God is for us and not against us.  That he has plans not to harm us but to prosper us.  That he plans for a future and hope and that he works all things together for good for those who love him.  What would your life be like if you could step into that? How would your life change if you were suddenly able to make the good decisions that caused your life to change directions and start moving towards God’s ultimate plan for your life?  The Bible is very clear that God is good and that he loves us far beyond what we could ever even imagine.  And because of that, I’m convinced he has an amazing, exciting and inspiring plan for each of us.

I believe it – because I’ve done it and it’s been amazing for me.

My name is Tony and for the longest time in my life I followed my own path instead of God’s.  I made most of my decisions independent of what God wanted for me. Oh, on the outside I had the appearance of “a good Christian” (whatever that is). I wore an exterior veneer, a façade around my life to hide the true person inside. I wore a mask so that the world and everyone in it would think that I was a good man – a faithful husband, a loyal friend, an honest and successful businessman. The truth is, I was not. I was a liar, a hypocrite and a fraud. I worked extremely hard to look one way on the outside, but on the inside, I was a deceiver, a manipulator, a selfish taker and a shameful, broken and addicted man. I spent years pursuing my own desires, doing the things that I wanted to do above all else.  Almost all of my life’s energy went into building my own kingdom comprised of fleshly pleasures, alcohol-fueled adventures, bad
business deals and disloyal, dishonest relationships and when I wasn’t doing those things I was spending energy trying to hide them from others or clean up
the messes I was making along the way. I was a terrible CEO of my own life. My best thinking landed me in a jail cell, breaking my wife’s heart, morally and
financially bankrupt, into rehab, and at the end of my spiritual and emotional self.

But there is hope!  For the past 10 years, I’ve been on my own journey towards becoming the man God designed me to be.  I have a restored life of freedom, adventure and purpose that goes far beyond just living for myself. Today, my life’s mission is to share my own experience, strength and hope as I train, equip and encourage men to become who God wants them to be as well.

So, if becoming the man that God wants you to be is high on your list of things you want to accomplish while you’re here on this each, as it should be for every man, I want to invite you to join me on this journey.  It doesn’t matter what you’ve done, where you’ve been or where you’re at now; God wants to guide you on a new journey to become who he originally designed you to be from the very beginning. If you’re being held back by nagging bad habits, negative patterns or the shame and enslavement of addiction, God wants to take you on this journey. If you’re dealing with painful negative consequences, broken relationships, blown-up finances, bad career choices, damaged character…it doesn’t matter. God wants to take you on the journey.

For the past few years I’ve worked hard to create several different ways to lead men on this journey. You can…

  • Work through a series of online courses with video lessons and virtual support and encouragement
  • Participate in any of our online groups and
    connect with other men on the same journey
  • Work with me one-on-one as your own personal, Christian life mentor
  • Participate in our online large group events
  • Get connected with any of our other available resources, or…
  • Any combination of the above

Whatever you do, just get started! All you have to do is take the first step. For more information, click the button below and decide which course of action is best for you to get started. I look forward to seeing you along the path on the journey to become who God designed you to be.