Don’t Despise Him

I recently saw an obviously homemade sign stuck to a fence near the offramp of the freeway I travel frequently that simply read in big, bold letters on cardboard, “JESUS.” Just a simple reminder to passersby of the one who gave his life so others could live eternally. Not offensive to me for any reason, but to the contrary, I whispered in agreement out loud as I drove past and said, “Yes. Thank you, Lord.” I’m more grateful for Jesus and what he did for me than ANYTHING in the world. I drove by the same sign a few days later and someone had used gray duct tape to completely cover over his name. WTH?

The Man You Were Designed to Be

I want to introduce you to TWO different men. The first man is the man that is broken by sin. This man is not who he wants to be. His current state of existence resembles but little the true man that God originally designed him to be. He is in a constant state of unquenched desire, always wanting, yet never satisfied. His life is marked by fear, confusion, anxiety, shame and guilt. He uses physical solutions to try to solve spiritual problems and it doesn’t work. He spends much energy trying to fulfill legitimate needs in illegitimate ways.