Become the Man God Designed You to Be
What are you doing with God’s gift of power in your life?
Every cell, every atom, every strand of DNA in your body is pulsating with the gift of God’s power – waiting to be discharged in the fulfillment of his plan for you. He skillfully designed and crafted you to do something amazing with your life!
Are you ready to pursue it? Join Tony on a journey to discover and become the man God created you to be.
What Others say about Tony & the Bulletproof Strong Project
"Changed my life"
"Inspired me"
"Saved my life"
"Just do it."
"Gave me new hope"
"Loves Jesus"
"No B.S."
Always Something New in the Works
See My Latest Work...
Tony is a mentor, author, speaker, singer/songwriter and marketing expert by day and husband, father, grandfather, son, brother and friend all at the same time. Still, he’s always busy creating SOMETHING…
Books by Tony Wilcox
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Bulletproof Strong
A recovery ministry for men struggling with addiction.
A History of Tony Wilcox
From Rock Music to Rock Bottom(s) to Bulletproof Strong
Wannabe Rock Star
I earned a degree in guitar performance and was on my way to the top back in the day (not).
Rock Bottom
I hit it hard for the second time when I was 47 years old. That's when life REALLY started to change.
Bulletproof Strong
Started a movement in 2013 with three friends on a mission to encourage, train and equip men to become who God created them to be.
What Others Say About
The BPS Project
Completing the Bulletproof Strong Project was one of the great achievements of my life. It changed me in ways I can’t describe and gave me a new foundation to become who God wants me to be.
This has been one of the most meaningful courses I’ve ever taken. It helped me understand new things about myself and allowed me to let God heal me in ways I never knew possible. I’m finally becoming who God wants me to be.
I felt stuck in my life and my relationship with God. Going through the Project with Tony set my life off in a totally new direction. God leads now and I get to experience his best for my life. I’m grateful for this program and what it’s done for me.
Stronger Together
Allied Partners
Sandals Church
Real with Ourselves, God and Others
- Riverside, CA
Every Man's Battle
Intensive Men's Workshops by NEWLIFE Ministries
The Relationship Warehouse
Christian counseling services for men and women